Friday, September 30, 2011

Olympia Home Sales Report ~ August 2011

Olympia   ~ area 445,447 & 448
   The numbers for August:
Homes for sale ~ 245 homes are currently listed
         Low $99,950 ~ High $2,350,000
                              Median   $259,950
                             Avg. days on ~136
Pending ~ 9 homes are in escrow
       Low $125,000 ~ High $400,000
                              Median $ 199,900
                            Avg. days on ~138
August Sales  ~ 14 homes sold in August 2011
          Low $140,000 High $580,000
                              Median $250,259
                          Avg. days on ~ 107
 The average market time is longer in all 3 categories than other areas of Thurston County. Olympia and their school system will typically have better average market times because of the schools.  Could sellers be holding out with higher prices because of the schools?   Is the market saying something different with the August pending’s ?

Tumwater Home Sales Report ~ August 2011

Kevin Lynch’s Home Sales Report
Tumwater  ~ area 443
The numbers for August:
Homes for sale ~ 163 homes are currently listed
              Low $90,000   High $665,000
                            Median ~ $259,000
                            Avg. days on ~185
Pending ~ 15 homes are in escrow
       Low $159,900 ~ High $329,950
                          Median ~ $219,990
                             Avg. days on ~79
August Sales ~ 24 homes sold in August 2011

      Low $128,250 ~ high $529,000
                          Median ~ $225,425
                           Avg. days on ~ 78

A big change in the average days on the market for the homes for sale compared to the average market time of the pending and sold properties.  With proper pricing, homes are selling.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Lacey Home Sales Report ~ August 2011

Kevin Lynch’s Home Sales Report

Lacey  ~ SE area 450
Let’s look at the numbers for August:
Homes for sale ~ 174 homes are currently listed
                                        Low $99,500 ~ High $678,500
                                        Median $219,995
                                        Avg. days on ~ 112
Pending Sales  ~ 23 homes are in escrow
                                        Low $74,900 ~ High $495,000
                                        Median $209,995
                                       Avg. days on ~69
August Sales   ~  35 homes sold in August 2011
                                       Low $15,800 ~ High $540,000
                                       Median $185,000
                                      Avg. days on ~88
The pending and sold average market time is impressive, marked improvement. Values are declining but market time under 90 days tells me sellers are pricing their homes for today’s market and there are buyers out there.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Shhhh ! ~ Daddy's on the phone

Shhhhhh ! – Daddy’s on the phone                                                                                                  
I put the family in the car for a mid winter break back in 2000. I got on the phone in Olympia and we were heading into British Columbia to catch a ferry over to Victoria on Vancouver Island. I was on the cell phone from Olympia all the way to the ferry parking lot. Over 3 hours on the phone, going through customs and telling my client to HOLD, while I entered another country.
My family not only deserves better than that. It was very rude and so self important of me to speak to a client for hours, only to lose and miss the pure enjoyment of my kids hitting the road with Dad.
At that time I had a coach, Teresa. I told Teresa about my lengthy phone call and she was not impressed at all. I was scolded and told to never speak on the phone again when my kids were present. This was simply a priority thing that I just did not get. Obviously!
I have had made a career on the telephone, but to this day I do not speak on a cell phone when I am with my kids. It has deepened our relationships. The real benefit is, I have no distractions when I am with them and get to be fully present and engage in their lives.
Thank you Teresa

Monday, September 12, 2011

Thurston County Homes Sales Report ~ August 2011

Kevin Lynch’s Home Sales Report

Thurston County

Let’s look at the numbers for August:

Homes for sale ~ 1,724 homes are currently listed

                                   low $49,000  high $6,400,000

                                   Median $295,000

                                   Avg. days on ~128

Pendings      ~       195 homes are in escrow

                                   low $36,000 high $1,290,000

                                   Median $224,900

                                  Avg. days on ~104

August Sales  ~  221 homes sold in August 2011

                                  Low $36,000 high $625,000

                                  Median $224,900

                                  Avg. days on ~ 110

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hawks Prairie Home Sales Report ~ August 2011

Hawks Prairie  ~ NE area 446

Let’s look at the numbers for August:
Homes for sale ~ 175 homes are currently listed
                                  Low $115,000 ~ High $6,400,000
                                  Median $294,900
                                  Avg. days on ~ 159
Pending Sales ~ 23 homes are in escrow
                                Low $189,900 ~ High $429,000
                                Median $225,000
                                Avg. days on ~89
August Sales ~ 23 homes sold in August 2011
                              Low $149,000 ~ High $425,000
                              Median $264,216
                             Avg. days on ~137
                              There is still a lot of inventory in the NE for sale. The pending market time has improved.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Delphi Hills Home Sales Report ~ August 2011

Delphi Hills  ~ SW area 442
Let’s look at the numbers for August:
Homes for sale  ~ 53 homes are listed
Low $49,000 high $2,500,000
Avg. days on ~173
Pending  ~ 8 homes are in escrow~ low $65,000 high $435,000
Avg. days on ~43
August Sales  ~ 9 homes sold in August 2011
Low $137,000 high $365,000
Avg. days on ~ 57

Friday, September 2, 2011

Westside Home Sales Report ~ August 2011

The Westside  ~  NW area 444
Let’s look at the numbers for August:
Homes for sale  ~
164 homes  are listed ~ low $125,000   high $2,900,000
Still a log jam of available homes on the Westside.
Avg. days on ~179
Pending  ~ 11 homes are in escrow~ low $139,000 high $799,000
Avg. days on ~204
August Sales  ~ 14 homes sold in August 2011
Low $116,000 high $356,000
Avg. days on ~ 262

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Just bend the letter C to make it an I

My wife went back to work and was then injured on the job and sent to a local chiropractor. There is a term for that coverage I think “hurt at work” or something like that, and the company picks up the tab. That same job also provides our family with health insurance for the first time in 20 years. We always carried health insurance, but it was bare bones coverage for emergencies for our children, I just remember writing very large checks for very little coverage.
So Jill was quite impressed with this chiropractor and strongly urged me to go let him look me over and begin working on stuff I have been sniveling about for years.
With selling homes I will meet people that need my services but  really have no idea what they are in for and as I start describing to them the experience, I will start veering off with real estate jargon and terminology that begins to give them a glazed over look. I know exactly what I am talking about, but just maybe, they really don’t.
So I meet the chiropractor, we have a chat and then off he goes with jargon “body jargon”. It is at that time he starts to lose me, so I just keep nodding my head.
So let’s see if the realtor can best describe the experience the chiropractor will be doing to this very beat up realtor body.
We are going to take the letter “C” (me), and see if we can’t bend it into the letter “I” (the new me).
It’s a great life!