Thursday, October 21, 2010

Market Time

So how long has this home been on the market ?
That might be the number one most commonly asked question I have been asked, from I think, every buyer I have ever had the privilege of representing.
Market time - what is it really ?
Experts have said "a balanced market is "90 days".
Balanced being the inventory of homes for sale and the pool of buyers out shopping, are in balance.
I don't know if I agree, but I also would not argue that point either.
I prepare sellers for 30 - 90 days based on market conditions, comparable sales and the condition of their home.
30 days is the ideal and maximum market time that will create a win-win for all parties.
The buyer asks "how long has the home been on the market and would not think twice if their agent tells them under 30 days. I stress to buyers anything under 30 days, is new to market.
The seller benefits with a sale in the first 30 days, with another 30-45 days of inspections and escrow. 60-75 days is enough real estate for most sellers with the stress of keeping a home "show ready", the nerve racking buyer's home inspection and the reality of moving. Let's not forget most sellers are also becoming buyers as their home has gone under contract. Now they are selling a home and buying a home in a span of 2 -3 months. The stress can and will elevate. Of course !
For market time to exceed 30 days is when days, weeks and sometimes months will be a  factor for everyone involved. The truth is, the first (best) buyers through the home, decided this was not the home. Why ? -  Price, condition or both.
The seller is now having doubts about the original asking price, and "will my house ever sell".The market time continues to tick, the buyers are now asking "how long has this home been on the market?", and are no longer looking at asking price, but I wonder what they will take.
30 days on the market plus another 30 days in escrow, is enough stress for most home sellers.
A realtor will discuss this in greater detail and work hard with sellers to understand the value of  their home priced for a 30 day sale.

Around our house we have a motto "everything sells", just how much market time are you willing to invest ?
Sellers market time is to a seller, is what the loan process can be for the buyer.  to be continued !

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