Friday, November 30, 2012

"better do it right"

The first year I volunteered.
 Christmas 2009, to be a realtor was almost like being unemployed, but not. You had a job, but you didn't.
 My broker, being the true leader he is, even in tough times was going to throw a christmas party for his agents to show his appreciation and have a fun night. The band he had hired for the 2009 Christmas party had a scheduling problem or who knows what. So when I heard our company needed music and this being 2009, back when I think america was learning to live "on the cheap" as my wife and I call those years, I suggested to Jim (my broker) "why don't we rent a sound system and I'll play DJ for the party ?"  Realtors figure shit out. It's what we do. So, Jim says sure and I'm now hired to play the music for the annual christmas party.
I have never DJ'd in my life. Actually DJ is a bit strong of a title. They needed someone (sober) to tend to the music. But for me and my ego, I got to feel like they were flying in this bigshot DJ from Miami that charged alot of money to make special appearances. NOT !
I had a blast putting that playlist together. That evening the food and drink flowed and by 3:15 am, when the volume was awfully high, the broker and his wife had left several hours earlier, fellow agents were still requesting songs, still dancing into the wee hours of the morning, and for me it was one of those nights you hope never ends. My first DJ experience was one of the funnest nights I have ever had.

The next year 2010, we all still had jobs, but didn't.
So true to form my broker was putting together the annual Christmas party and I'm pretty sure I either told him I would DJ or invited myself to DJ. Doesn't matter. I was in.
2010 the 2nd year, the dancing was minimal and the emphasis was on playing alot of really fun games. But I had a blast preparing the perfect christmas playlist. 

Last year 2011, the christmas party was in a barn. My management team had booked me on a 10 city tour and regrettably I did not DJ. I fired my agent, and my management team on the spot, when I heard I they had not booked me for the Greene Realty annual Christmas party.

I have been invited back this year to DJ for the annual company christmas party. I'm making my playlist and checking it twice.
If this party cranks up and needs dance music and folks want to dance. I am personally going to see to it that they get way more than great christmas music.

Thanks Jim and Kris

It's a Great Life!

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