Friday, January 18, 2013

10 Day Re ~ Boot

In business I was taught to make my toughest call or hardest and biggest challenge of the day, first thing.Then it's done. It still holds true, to this day I make sure whatever that might be, I just do it. Then it's done and the rest of the day is easy.
Right before Christmas my wife and I watched the documentary Fat, Sick and nearly Dead. It is a life changing documentary and our seed was planted. The host films his own story of going  out to lose weight by just juicing for 60 days. I could actually try something radical like that, but he suggests a 10 day re~boot. So that's what my daughter, my wife and I did.
A 10 day fruit and vegetable juicing fast.
I'm not fat, I'm just Dad (25 extra lbs) and never sick, but the nearly dead made sense because I have come to terms with, I am no longer young and won't be around forever.
My 16 year old daughter is vegan and when she heard us talking about our interest in the 10 day re~boot she wanted in. 
So without a lot of thought or preparation, we just did it. 17 days into the new year, 10 of those days were spent on a juice fast. I now have the rest of the year to do as I please and the biggest challenge of the year is behind us.

Our daughter being vegan took charge and started making suggestions for our menu and very creative tasty fruit and vegetable combinations she thought we would enjoy. They were absolutely delicious.
Our dining room table for 10 days

Day 1 ~ Tuesday January 8th
Like anything, whatever you're about to begin is a radical shift, The 1st day is always exciting and you're pretty fired up.

Day 2 ~ is when I realized just how much fruit and vegetables we were actually juicing, to feed 3 people for 2 days. I had bought what I thought would be enough for 3 maybe 4 days, so by the 2nd evening I was back to the farm stand buying even more produce than what I bought to begin this 10 day journey. 

"living well is the best revenge"
Day 3-9 ~ Over 100 carrots, 40 oranges, bunch's of Kale, 2 dozen beets, 50 stalks of celery, 15 apples, 20 tomatoes and the best, which I would now highly recommend, is fresh ginger. A few nuggets of ginger thrown into the kale and beets and now the drinks start tasting like lemonade. 4 major trips to the farm stand.  We had the produce spread across our dining room table.

a cobb salad with pasta

Day 10 ~ By day 10, a new lifestyle is under way and the hunger pangs are not nearly as frequent, you're not as cranky as say day 6 (watching the Seahawk's game) or as weak as maybe days 8 - 9 and now, the finish line was in sight.

Our first meal last night was a Cobb salad with some linguine and brie on the side. Bacon has never tasted so good but yet I got full very quick and I don't look at bacon the same way.

I am so glad we did it, we plan to have a few 3 day sessions throughout the year just for the benefits. And when Washington cherries are ripe this summer, a 3 day cherry fest would be fine by me. Then near the end of harvest this summer finish with a 3 day of local peaches.
Until then.........
The kids left 2 peanut butter filled cupcakes from Trader Joe's in the kitchen with my name on them.

It's a Great Life !

see you over at

" I Got You Babe "  ~ Chrissie Hynde and UB40

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