Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Thank You ! #realestate

2013 was a tough year on many levels, but also maybe one of the best years I have ever experienced.
It's strange how the tough years don't really feel tough when you're right in the middle of it. You're so busy with so many balls in the air. 
It isn't until things slow down and you have some time to reflect.

Then you go, WOW! that was tough.

Real estate had taken a back seat in 2013 to raising teenagers and semi adopting one of my son's friends who lived with us for 16 months.

We got word of her being abused in February '12, and my son and I went over to get her out of the abusive situation one evening and made sure she never returned. 

She lived with us from February 2012 until June 2013.

Between CPS, the juvenile court system, school principals, police, bullying, and the shit head grandfather, guilty of the abuse to this precious young girl, needless to say, our hands were quite full.
This shit head grandpa had also handed down to his daughter the, "lets just deal with all our problems using physical abuse to people younger and weaker" including, but not limited to; women and children. So her mother had also been abusing this precious young girl pretty much since birth.

When she first moved in with us, she was so fragile and terrified, that if you moved too fast to reach for something near her, she would flinch.

She would still be living with us except for our youngest daughter and our newly semi adopted daughter could not stand the sight of each other. So we had that dynamic to deal with also.
Oh well ! ~ sometimes life is  ~  "fire, ready, aim".

She is currently safe back in the mid west, we speak often and I have enough room in my heart to be her stand in Father the rest of her life.

By mid year I had a few transactions in the pipeline, but by the 2nd half of 2013, I needed some time to gather my thoughts and reunite our family.

I have so many to thank for my business in 2013:

Dave and Chrys, Ed and Kari, Joe and Linda, Those amazing James Girls, my buddy Marcia, Joe and Edith, Toby and Tia, Ryan, James and Caylyn, The amazing Murphy family, my brother Keith, The Barrett girls, Myrna, Noe and Gloria, Steve and Tim, Jennifer, Cord and Corrina , Jodi, Paul and Cookie and Dean.

 All my co~op agents and the many affiliations that make me look good.

I remain forever grateful to serve ~

2014 is going to be an amazing year !

see you over at Thurston Living

It's a Great Life !

the print media days were so much fun

Christmas ad 1999

Lynch Family ad 2001

About the Author ~ Kevin Lynch has been selling residential real estate in Olympia, Washington for the last 22 years. He is currently with Greene Realty.
His unique selling system and selling strategies have kept him in the top 10% for production in Thurston County, for the last 15 years.
Kevin can be reached by email at lynchgroup@comcast.net or phone 360 951.0607
or at thurstonliving.com
Enjoying what he does, makes a difference in your real estate transaction.

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