Thursday, March 14, 2013


The day started like any other day. I get in the car still asleep and get my daughter to high school.
Pulling out of my driveway I see this mess.
A dead tree on my property decides to snap and break. 
In doing so it absolutely demolishes my neighbor's mailbox. 
What are the odds of such a direct precise hit ?
The universe decides it's time for a decayed tree to snap and hits my neighbors mailbox right on the money. 
Being a Realtor. 
What is the liability here ?
The tree is on my property, but the mailbox isn't. Who takes the blame on this one ?
Or is it an act of God, or how about just "rub of the green" as we say in Golf.
Shit ~ really does JUST happen sometimes.

So I got my daughter to school and went about my day.
Later in the day I needed my real estate license number which is on my real estate license, which hangs in my agency like a shingle.
 I'm trying to complete an online request for a short sale bid I'm working on and they were requesting my RE license number..
So I go back to the wall where all the agents licenses are displayed and find mine.
I look close and see that my license was first issued from the state of Washington on March 13, 1991.
So now I stop and realize today is March 13, 2013.
So I am celebrating an anniversary I had no idea was coming.
 Purely coincidental that I needed my real estate license number on this very day and to see my license on March 13, 2013. 
22 years later to the day.

22 years !
That's officially a career. 
I ponder 22 years of selling real estate and more importantly 22 years of my life has come, and now gone.
I'm like the mole. Or what I call mole ing.
Head down digging away and occasionally popping my head out and saying "where the hell am I and how did I get here"?
I remember 22 years ago today very well. Like it was yesterday. Time really does fly.
The day my license was issued in 1991, my oldest daughter was 39 days old. 
The perfect motivation for me to succeed.

It's a Great Life !

see you over at

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