Friday, December 7, 2012

a day~te with my daughter 12.29.12

 Being out of bed on a saturday morning before, Oh I don't know, noon ? had better be important for this grumpy old man.

This was not only important, I set the alarm for 6:15 am and like when you're real young and you don't need an alarm you just spring up. This was that kind of morning.
My daughter has been in town for 9 days during the holiday's.
 This morning she had some business in Seattle and then another couple stops in the Queen Anne district of Seattle. Her car is back in LA and she's not old enough to rent a car. So I had the privilege to drive and see her in action. Her game face.
So we were on the road north by 8:30 am.

     "mr jones wishes he was someone just a little more funky"

I don't really know Seattle, athough in 24 years of living in Olympia, we have managed to squeeze out all the fine dining and entertainment Seattle has to offer. Seattle has been good to us.

I dropped her off at her scheduled appointment by 10:00 am and went nearby to a hipper than most, coffee shop, and took it all in. I could people watch all day anyway, so I enjoyed watching Seattle get their morning coffee. By 10:40 am she was done and we now have almost 2  hours until her next appointment. So we decide to go find Queen Anne and where her next appointment is located.
I had never been to Queen Anne, but had always heard it referenced as Queen Anne HILL.
So GPS and Siri make things easy for us and next thing we know we are at the Starbuck's in, I'm guessing, the heart of the Queen Anne district. da pulse !

The Queen Anne district has a very clean look to it. It still being fairly early on a Saturday morning, for me anyway, Queen Anne~ites we're waking up, shops were opening and I must have seen 30 + people heading to and fro  to various yoga classes. Yoga mats under their arm, defined rather tight yoga~ey outfits and they all had a rather determined look about them, like this yoga workout is quite important to their Queen Anne lifestyle. Simply an observation worth mentioning. I love yoga, It just doesn't love me back.

My morning workout in Olympia or this morning in Queen Anne or any morning anywhere is, coffee, lots of starbuck's coffee and by noon  pretty much any day, if I haven't cursed, sneered or glared right through you and the coffee begins to kick in, another day is then set in motion.

I drank my coffee and the people watching was very entertaining. My daughter came back to check on me and we went and had a late breakfast in a very nice cafe called Grub. Over breakfast I had the most enjoyable conversation with my almost adult daughter about many topics, most of which are very important to her. I threw in some Dad logic and Dad advice when asked. I'm finding out with parenting, listening is a really good gig with kids. They have heard enough of my shit for years.

We finished breakfast and she ran off to her last appointment and I had used up my parking privilege, so I went and got the car while she was busy doing fashion stuff, I pulled the car up to pick her up, and as her father, her driver, her support team, her biggest fan, I waited another 10 minutes before she jumped in the car and we were back on our way home to Olympia.

It started raining pretty hard, she curled up in the passenger seat and slept the entire way back. We were home by 3:00 pm and I went and curled up took me another one of those long winter's naps.

It's a Great Life !

see you over at

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